KVCR / NBC Interview during the mayoral run

Bill Gunasti aka Erbil Gunasti & Mayor Gunasti Film & Television Producer Geo-political Subject Matter Expert

2022 & 2024 US ELECTIONS
2020 was eventful. The Covid-19 dramas and tragedies victimized the Presidential Election
2021 became hopeful when Californians decided to go for a Recall Election for Governor.
Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti privately met with four front runners in the race.
Larry Elder was the last to join the party. Unfortunately, the Republicans failed miserably.
Who is idea was it to push Abortion to the agenda when Homless was the biggest issue in the state?
The prospects for Republicans look promising in the 2022 Mid-Term Elections.
The 2024 presidential election campaign is sure to begin as early as January 2023 for Gunasti & Barak. They intend to be on board at the earliest like they were in June 2015, with the winning candidate.
Represented 36th district in California, at the 2020 Charlotte, North Carolina Republican National Convention
CAGOP DELEGATE 2019 Indian Wells, 2018 San Diego, 2017 Anaheim, 2917 Sacramento​
PRE-COMMITTED TRUMP DELEGATE Representing 36th district in California, at the 2016 Cleveland, Ohio Republican National Convention
CAGOP DELEGATE 2016 San Francisco
MAYORAL RUN in Palm Springs, California, in 2015
Press Officer at the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations in New York,
representing the Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey
Served Prime Ministers: Suleyman Demirel, Erdal Inonu, Tansu Ciller, Mesut Yilmaz, Necmettin Erbakan, Bulent Ecevit, Abdullah Gul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan from 1992 to 2008
International Trade
Exported stainless steel alloys from US to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong in the late 1980s and early 1990s
MA 1987 New York University
Political Science, Diplomacy & International Negotiations
Specialized in International Regimes
BA 1984 University of Miami
Majored in Politics and Public Affairs
Minors in Philosophy, Spanish, and Arts.
1981-1982 Boston University
Political Science at the College of Liberal Arts
College credits
Lycée Saint-Benoît d'Istanbul
French Boarding School in Istanbul, Turkiye
Studied French literature in France
English as a second language in England
Fluent in English, French, Turkish
Enough Spanish, German, Italian
Arabic n Hebrew very very very questionable
And in that order!